Imagine having a stinky green Dumpster less than a dozen feet from your kitchen window and only a few more feet from one of your a/c units. This shouldn't happen to ANY Norman resident.
Recently, when Campus Station apartments at 502 S. University Blvd. resurfaced their parking lot, they relocated their Dumpster right underneath my kitchen window -- the first time only 7 1/2 feet away. I called the apartment management to request that we find another solution to the Dumpster location. They blamed its location on the City of Norman, but said they'd contact the owner and see about moving it. Followup calls were not returned.
I visited the City of Norman on May 27, talked to several people who said there is NO ordinance regarding setbacks for Dumpsters from their single-family residential neighbors, and finally e-mailed sanitation director Scottie Williams. Scottie visited the apartment complex and called me to say they'd relocate the Dumpster to the north side of the parking lot, which backs the McFarlin Methodist church parking lot. It was done within hours.
But Tuesday, June 8, the Dumpster reappeared in almost the same spot. I e-mailed Scottie and he wrote back that the apartment management had objected to the Dumpster being moved and they had to put it back because the apartments were paying for the Dumpster. The photo to the right is a little dark but you can see my kitchen window just to the left of the Dumpster 2 1/2 feet past the fence.
I should probably mention that my situation is further complicated by a weird little triangle-shaped piece of property on the plats that juts between my property and the property to the north -- that's where the Dumpster is now located. It would be an ideal location for a Dumpster if there were no neighbors.
My house stinks when the wind blows the wrong way and I have my a/c on. Plus I can't open my kitchen window or I have flies everywhere. I reiterate -- this shouldn't happen to ANY Norman resident. It also impacts my family's property value (the house is owned by my elderly mother and I pay her rent to live here when I'm in town.)
I'm requesting that the City of Norman consider passing an ordinance with the following:
• A setback requirement for Dumpsters of at least 40 feet from residential neighbors' homes.
• A requirement for all multi-family residences or apartment complexes to have an at least 8-foot fence in good condition. Currently, the Campus Station fence is a 6-foot fence. It would be preferable that this be retroactive or required on replacement of any fence.
• A requirement that the multi-family residences or apartment complexes maintain their fences. When it falls out of compliance to the point where it's a code violation (slats out, etc.), they should be given a 30-day warning and then fined if they don't comply. (See the Key West apartments' fence that's in bad repair, just south of the Campus Station apartments.)
This isn't my first rodeo with the Campus Station apartments. The first was in 2006 when their 6-foot fence was literally falling down. Yep, right by my kitchen window again, just past the falling-down fence. A call to the complex management received a "we'll try to do something about it," response. Followup calls were not received that time either.
That time, it took calls to my councilmember in Ward 4, Carol Dillingham, and also calls to the code enforcement folks at the City of Norman.
The apartments' management responded by tearing down the fence and leaving it totally down for a couple of months, before finally replacing it. During that time, some residents of the complex took to heckling us when we barbecued in our backyard. That finally stopped when the apartments replaced the fence.
And in 2008, I suggested they trim a tree that had large, dead branches hanging over my power lines after the December 2007 ice storm. I was concerned that our Oklahoma wind would come sweeping down the plains and limbs would come crashing on my lines. The apartment management responded by taking the whole mature tree down. Sigh. I'm big fan of big trees. Trimming would have been adequate.
It's been a continued pattern of harassment from the 30-apartment complex to its two single-family residential neighbors. (I'm not the Lone Ranger — there is one other residence affected.) I know you have to make compromises when you live close to campus, like learning to live with a little more noise and occasional college student who doesn't understand why it's not OK to drive over your lawn because they've gotten parked in at the neighbor's house. My student neighbors have been far more well-behaved than my apartment complex neighbors.
I've heard back from two councilmembers, Tom Kovach, Ward 2; and Carol Dillingham, Ward 4, who ran interference once before; along with Mayor Cindy Rosenthal. They are working on a remedy, which could include passing my suggested ordinance. So I'm hopeful.
But I doubt if it will be soon enough to save me from the Summer of Stink.